Thursday, June 11, 2009

Best Freebies in SL: animations

It's been a while since I blogged about the best freebies in or for SL. This morning I visited Animazoo, which is an animation company in world, and a maker of motion capture suits in the real world.

Animazoo has a wide variety of dances and moves, which look to be a lot more SL-friendly in general than Sinewave (many of their anims are very fast and look odd in SL, athough some Sinewave anims are great). They have quite a few free, no-transfer, animations, including dances. They're definitely worth checking out.

There's also a weblink to free resources on the net for animations, including a link to the real ife Animazoo page where there are more free animations, in the bvh format which can be uploaded to SL.

The free tool outside SL which can be used to generate animations is avimator or Qavimator, both of which can be downloaded here.

You'll find the animation forum on the SL forums useful while it is still there....

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the animations here are good, particularly the AO ones, I've used some of them for quite some time after a friend showed me them.


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